The Danish Shortwave Club International

Danish Shortwave Club International (DSWCI), der eksisterede i 60 år, blev opløst i efteråret 2016.

Klubbens midler blev i forbindelse med opløsningen fordelt på 5 donationer, hvor Sønderjyllands Radiomuseum blev tilgodeset med en af donationerne lydende på 3146,35 kr.

Pengene vil blive brugt til at opfylde museets formål, som er:


  Gennem drift af Sønderjyllands Radiomuseum:

  • i videst muligt omfang, at udbrede kendskabet til radiofabrikation og vedligehold af de heraf affødte produkter.
  • at opnå kontakt med personer, virksomheder, institutioner o.l., som har været tilknyttet radiofabrikation og vedligehold af denne branches produkter.

I nedenstående er der en kort beskrivelse af DSWCI´s historie. Teksten er taget fra klubbens hjemmeside, som stadig er aktiv, og som kan findes på:
(Hjemmesiden bliver dog nedtaget af internettet den 5. marts 2025.)

About the Danish Shortwave Club International (DSWCI)

On May 4th, 1974, a society was started in Copenhagen, Denmark, named "The Danish Shortwave Clubs International" or DSWCI. The DSWCI was a merger of "The Danish Shortwave Club International", founded November 18, 1956, and "The Cimbrer DX-Club", founded July 15, 1961. The name of the society was changed to "The Danish Shortwave Club International" by the Annual General Meeting of May 18, 1996.

The object of the DSWCI was to consolidate contacts among practisers of the hobby indicated as DX-ing and to promote the practise of this hobby in general. DX-ing is the reception of distant radio signals and all other activities related herewith.

The DSWCI reached its objects by
  • the regular publications of a club paper called "Shortwave News"
  • giving advice, answering questions and rendering assistance to members, and if possible to non-members
  • organizing meetings to discuss problems related to the DSWCI or to the hobby of DX-ing
  • co-operation with other societies which pursue a similar object
  • all other legal means which stimulate the object and are not contrary to these regulations
(Articles 1 - 3 of the Statutes)

On May 9th, 2015 at the annual general meeting in Tarp (Germany), the members decided to dissolve the DSWCI by the End of 2016. The main reasons were:
  • More and more SW and MW stations replace their broadcasting with live streaming on the Internet with high quality.
  • Six of the eight members of the Board of the DSWCI have passed the age of 75 years.
  • Shortwave listening no longer fascinates younger people, when they can hear the whole world well on the Internet.
  • Thus nobody were prepared to replace the present Board.

The last annual general meeting was held on October 8, 2016, at the longwave station of Radio Denmark in Kalundborg.

During it's 60 years of existence, 3786 individuals have been members of the DSWCI. The DSWCI had global membership with members in all 6 continents since 1965. At the time of the last annual general meeting, the DSWCI had 227 members living in 33 countries in 6 continents. Therefore, the DSWCI has claimed to be "the DX Club that had global membership 30 years before 'Globalization'".